“Jujutsu Kaisen Chocola Goute” to be Released on May 6!

Jujutsu Kaisen

Overview of Jujutsu Kaisen Chocola Goute

Scheduled to be released in Japan on May 6, “Jujutsu Kaisen Chocola Goute” offers a new sweet treat experience. This product features rusks coated in rich milk chocolate, allowing you to enjoy a delightful combination of two different textures along with a fragrantly sweet aroma. Additionally, it includes a novel feature where the included card can be transformed into a character stand (Stand Art). The first series is themed around the second season of the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen,” specifically the “Shibuya Incident” arc, featuring many attractive characters. This product is sure to provide a special experience for anime fans.

Contents of Jujutsu Kaisen Chocola Goute

Where to Buy Jujutsu Kaisen Chocola Goute

Price: 220 yen (tax included: 242 yen) Release date: May 6, 2024 Sales locations: Nationwide mass retailers’ confectionery sections Target age: Ages 15 and up

  • 1 Placard (1 of 22 types)
  • 1 Chocola Rusk

ebay Store: Check out Jujutsu Kaisen at Anime Treasures jp →

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Source Cited:

呪術廻戦ショコラグーテ|発売日:2024年5月6日|バンダイ キャンディ公式サイト
バンダイ キャンディ事業部が運営する“食品・おかし”の情報サイト
食玩「呪術廻戦ショコラグーテ」が5月6日に発売!カードは抜き出してキャラクタースタンドになる新仕様! | 電撃ホビーウェブ
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