“Pokémon Scale World Johto Region 2” Launching in Stores Nationwide on January 27!


Overview of “Pokémon Scale World Johto Region 2”

The “Pokémon Scale World Johto Region 2” figure set is scheduled to release in Japan on January 27, 2025. This series aims to recreate a world where humans and Pokémon coexist, presented in approximately 1/20th scale.

This new lineup features popular Pokémon from the Johto region, the setting of Pokémon Gold and Silver, including Wooper, Sudowoodo, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Marill, Azumarill, Sentret, Furret, Mareep, and Ampharos. Additionally, the Pokémon Trainer Kris joins the lineup, allowing fans to appreciate the size differences between the Trainer and her Pokémon.

Designed to showcase Pokémon evolution lines, the collection offers a variety of sizes, from small figures that fit on your fingertips to larger ones that fill both hands. This Johto-themed release is a must-have for fans of the series, expanding the appeal of collecting Pokémon figures. Don’t miss out on this exciting addition to the Pokémon Scale World series!

Details of “Pokémon Scale World Johto Region 2”

  • Release Date: January 27, 2025
  • Availability: Nationwide mass retailers and snack aisles
  • Price: ¥748 per figure (tax included); full set of all figures for ¥4,488 (tax included)

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「ポケモンスケールワールド」ジョウト地方が大集合!『クリスタル』女主人公・クリスとのサイズ感も楽しめるフィギュア | インサイド
「ポケモンスケールワールド ジョウト地方2」が、1月27日(月)より全国量販店で発売中!
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