A Precious Volume: Official “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” Book Celebrating Hello Kitty’s 50th Anniversary to be Released on February 21st!


Overview of the Official “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” for Hello Kitty’s 50th Anniversary

Scheduled for release in Japan on February 21st, 2024, by KADOKAWA Corporation (Headquarters: Chiyoda, Tokyo, President: Tsuyoshi Natsuno), the official “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” book celebrates the 50th anniversary of Hello Kitty, a Sanrio official release. This collection is a special tribute to the long history and cultural impact of Hello Kitty.

The “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” is composed of artwork that reflects the diverse charm of Hello Kitty, making it a valuable keepsake for fans. It captures special moments of this character loved by generations through Hello Kitty’s 50-year journey. This book is a highlight for anime and character merchandise enthusiasts, especially for fans of Hello Kitty.

Contents of the Official “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” for Hello Kitty’s 50th Anniversary

The “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” is an official art book by Sanrio, created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Hello Kitty. Spanning over 170 pages, it encapsulates Hello Kitty’s diverse allure. The book features a wide range of content, including rare overseas art not showcased in Japan, exclusive visuals, nostalgic designs, and special 50th-anniversary designs for the future.

It includes an abundance of art celebrating the 50th anniversary, allowing readers to reminisce about Hello Kitty’s history and discover new designs. The book also features an interview with Yuko Yamaguchi, who nurtured Hello Kitty, providing deep insights into the character’s background.

Structured in seven chapters, this book is an attractive volume for Hello Kitty fans and those interested in art and character design. It celebrates Hello Kitty’s 50-year journey, documenting special moments of a character that has been loved across generations.

Sales of the Official “HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION” for Hello Kitty’s 50th Anniversary

HELLO KITTY ART COLLECTION Supervised by Sanrio Co., Ltd. Price: 4,400 yen (4,000 yen + tax) Release Date: February 21st, 2024 Size: B5 Format ISBN: 9784049151077

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ハローキティ50周年記念「公式アートブック」発売決定! | KADOKAWA
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